The Rise in Obesity And Its Effect On Health Care

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How does the current trend for employers to help their employees out with weight management affect nurses?

The Rise in Obesity And Its Effect On Health Care

Obesity is one of the biggest health concerns for Americans today. To try to combat this epidemic, many employers and health insurance providers are offering programs to help people maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle.

Through weight management programs, weight loss information websites, and nurse hotlines, employers and others are trying to encourage people to make healthy lifestyle choices and reduce their risk of obesity. By reducing the risk of obesity, they are also reducing more serious health care problems like heart disease and diabetes.

You will discuss the obesity trend when studying for your BSN or MSN at South University Online. You can find out ways you can become involved in the fight against obesity in America, like in the teaching and administering of weight management programs or in helping to maintain weight management websites.



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