Nursing Degree Tips

When it comes to Nursing Degree, we've been there, done that, now serving 229 tips in 9 categories ranging from Choosing a Nursing School to RN Training.

What is holistic medicine and how does it affect nurses?

Holistic Medicine's Rise In Popularity

Holistic medicine is an alternative to drugs and surgical procedures, and many people are shunning traditional health care and turning to holistic care. Because many people are interested in holistic and alternative remedies, as a nurse it is important to be well-versed in these kinds of topics.

South University Online offers courses in alternative and complementary therapies with their RN to BSN completion degree. When working on your BSN, you will learn about effective holistic and complimentary therapies so you can better serve your patients.

What is concierge medicine?

The “Concierge Medicine” Trend

“Concierge medicine” is a trend in U.S. health care. An elitist approach to heath care, “concierge medicine” allows people with adequate funds to have quicker access to doctor's services like consultations and house calls. It also allows people to pay more and therefore make appoints with specialists and other hard-to-see health care providers.

While the ethics of concierge medicine are debatable, it is an important trend to be aware of as you study for your BSN or MSN at South University Online. You may even benefit from this new style of medicine through increased salaries.

How is the current increase in seniors’ looking to the web affecting nurses?

Health Care Information on the Web

The World Wide Web has become an important resource for health care information for many people. Surprisingly, one group of people who are increasingly turning to the web for health care information is senior citizens.

As many as 5.5 million seniors currently look to the web for health care information. Because so many seniors are using the web as a health care resource, it is critical that updated and accurate information be available online to assist them in their research.

When you become an RN or you complete your MSN at South University Online, you can get involved in this trend by helping companies to develop and maintain senior-friendly websites with health issue specific to their age group.

How do emerging issues in health care trends affect nurses?

Monitoring Emerging Health Care Issues

In an attempt to keep on top of heath care trends in America, the following topics are currently being closely studied for better measurement and reporting:

  • Cancer prevention methods such as mammography, colonoscopy, and cervical cancer screenings
  • Diabetes and obesity management
  • Asthma treatment
  • Depression identification and management

When studying for your MSN or BSN at South University Online, you will learn about how to study and report on these kinds of health care trends. Keeping on top of the cutting edge trends in America will help you to be more marketable to potential employers, and will also allow you to take better care of your patients.

How does the current trend for employers to help their employees out with weight management affect nurses?

The Rise in Obesity And Its Effect On Health Care

Obesity is one of the biggest health concerns for Americans today. To try to combat this epidemic, many employers and health insurance providers are offering programs to help people maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle.

Through weight management programs, weight loss information websites, and nurse hotlines, employers and others are trying to encourage people to make healthy lifestyle choices and reduce their risk of obesity. By reducing the risk of obesity, they are also reducing more serious health care problems like heart disease and diabetes.

You will discuss the obesity trend when studying for your BSN or MSN at South University Online. You can find out ways you can become involved in the fight against obesity in America, like in the teaching and administering of weight management programs or in helping to maintain weight management websites.

How is an increase in health and wellness programs affecting RNs?

Corporate Wellness Programs

Many corporations are beginning to offer, as part of their health care packages, health and wellness programs. These programs center around topics like nutrition, weight management, and disease management, and offer services like flu shots and nurse hotlines.

Nurses are often needed to staff these programs. When studying for your BSN or MSN at South University Online, keep in mind that a “nontraditional” nursing career at a health insurance company or corporation may be a good option for you if you have an interest in lifestyle management, well baby care, nutrition, disease management, or other similar issues.

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