Deciding if the RN to BSN Degree at South University For You

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What RN to BSN online degree is right for you?

Deciding if the RN to BSN Degree at South University For You

Deciding to go back to school is a big decision, as is the decision about where to go. South University Online's RN to BSN program is flexible and convenient; look to these points to see if it's the right program for you.

  • Do you need a flexible program? South University Online's program is delivered exclusively via the web, making it easy to accommodate studying around your busy schedule
  • Do you want a residency requirement? Some schools require their online students to come to campus once or twice a year, which can be difficult with work and family obligations. South University has no residency requirement, meaning you can you complete all your academic courses from the comfort of your own home
  • Do you need to complete your clinical component close to home? South University will allow you to work with a medical facility near to you to organize your clinical component, making the program easier and more flexible than programs that require you to complete your clinical component near to or on campus
  • Can you afford it? If you are on a budget, South University is an affordable option. Per credit hour charges are $262 per credit hour, and financial aid is available



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