About RN Training and RN Training Schools

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What are options for places for RN training?

About RN Training and RN Training Schools

If you are interested in becoming a nurse or furthering your nursing career, you have several options for places and ways to study. Here is a list of some of your options: Vocational school or adult education programs. If you're interested in becoming a nurse's aide or an LPN/LVN (licensed vocational or practical nurse), you can attend a one-year vocational school or a program at an adult education center. These options for nurses are usually quick, flexible, and cost-effective.

-Junior or community college. If you choose to become an RN with an associate's degree, you can attend a junior college or a community college to complete your coursework. Usually, your RN training will be finished in about two years.

-State or Private University. If you want to become an RN with a BSN (bachelor of science in nursing), you will need to attend a state or private university to finish you schooling. If you would like to earn your MSN (Master of Science in Nursing), a state or private university is also the place for you.

-Online programs. Many schools offer online programs to allow you to complete your RN to BSN degree or MSN degree.



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