How Much RN to BSN Online Degrees Cost

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How much will a RN to BSN online degree cost?

How Much RN to BSN Online Degrees Cost

Any degree program costs money, and RN to BSN online degrees are no different. Every school will have different tuition costs, so make sure you research to figure out which school is in your budget. Usually, RN to BSN online degrees are priced per credit hour, and most classes for semester programs are 3 credit hours. For state schools, residents usually pay less per credit hour than those students that reside out-of-state.

Credit hour costs can range anywhere from about $110 for an in-state resident of a state school to $400 for a private school. In addition, there are usually registration costs each semester (which can range anywhere from $7 to $20), and different costs associated with clinical courses. If the tuition for an RN to BSN degree sounds prohibitive, relax. Most programs offer scholarships and/or financial aid for qualified students; check to see if the program you're interested does, and what is required to be eligible.



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