Deciding Which RN to BSN Degree Is Right For You

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What RN to BSN online degree is right for you?

Deciding Which RN to BSN Degree Is Right For You

There are many different RN to BSN online degrees available for registered nurses to complete their bachelor's degree. But which one is right for you? When trying to decide which programs to apply to, consider the following questions:

• Is there a residency requirement? Some programs require their students to stay on campus periodically, usually once a semester. Is that feasible for you?

• Are the courses of interest to you? Many programs have a “theme” that the upper level courses revolve around; is that theme something you're interested in learning about?

• Is there a clinical component? Many RN to BSN programs have a clinical component; some will allow you to set up your own clinical experience at a local hospital, or will tell you where to complete your clinical. Make sure if they require the latter, the clinical experience is feasible for you.

• How much does it cost? If you are on a budget, make sure you check the tuition, and if scholarships and financial aid is available.



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